


38周岁 | 男 | 174 厘米 | 现居住于吉林

籍贯:河北 | 户口所在地:承德
简 历 编 号 :67243


单位性质:事业单位    单位行业:政府、国家机关、公共事业
证明人: *     证明人职位:    证明人电话:******

工作职位:病虫害测报科副科长    工作部门:    工作地点:
直接上级:测报科科长    下属人数总数:4人

单位性质:中外合资企业    单位行业:种业
证明人: *     证明人职位:    证明人电话:******

工作职位:技术部经理    工作部门:    工作地点:
直接上级:总经理    下属人数总数:11人
1.Trial design and analysis.
Detailed product and fertilizer testing program was established (product knowledge of fertilizer, PKF).
Manage more than 200 corn hybrid trials and 40 fertilizer trials each year, collect product performance data (such as seedling vigor, root system, lodging resistance, stalk rot resistance, yield…) in the key period.
At the end of growing season, analyze and summarize all the sites data, form detailed testing reports to guide the sales and marketing team more effectively and to help business to success.
2. Product positioning
As a critical role in the product management team, working closely with R&D, Sales, Marketing team, analyze farmer’s need and the value we can bring to our customers.
Make market and product management strategy base on the performance of new product and market conditions.
Life cycle management of corn hybrids.
3. Demand Generation and Value Marketing
Product Demonstration:1300+ new registered corn products are prepared for value presentation. Choose product demonstration fields with good performance and give farmers training meeting in the field.
Visualization of all demonstration materials to help farmers understand more easily and more vivid.
High yield contest project help us get a lot of loyal farmers.
Farmer impact farmer (Word of Mouth) strategy help us establish stable relationship with farmers.
4. Technology training.
320+ farmer training meetings each year to teach them how to use base fertilizer, topdressing and foliage fertilizer and other crop management practice.
50+ technical trainings for sales, key dealers and key retailers on how to promote a new product, the advantages and disadvantages of new product, recognizing fertilizer deficiency and what to do if this happens.
Help farmers and key dealers maximize their profits with the best products and management advice for their local conditions.
5. Agronomy service.
Test more than 200 soil samples each year for big farmers and give recommendation on how to apply fertilizer effectively.
Provide tailored management recommendations for large growers, help them enhance the yield and profit.
Cooperate with digital companies to improve our service efficiency.


月薪要求:30000-49999元    期望职位: 技术总监  产品经理
希望工作地区:北京   上海    辽宁    吉林         希望就职行业: 
求职方式:全职     职业状态:在职(2020-11-13更新)


10+years’ product (hybrid, fertilizer, pesticide…) testing experience;
10+years’ team management experience;
14+years’ experience of field practice in crops;
10+years’experience of product evaluation, product positioning, products portfolios;
Data driven &Focus on high quality data;
Fluent in English;
Good team player, Easygoing, Effective communication;
Mature and confidence, adaptability to business travel.


最高学历:硕士    毕业学校:沈阳农业大学
所学专业:植物保护专业     第二专业:
毕业日期:2007-06-30    学历类型:统招
第一外语:英语  CET6级     第二外语:无  无
普通话水平:标准     熟悉方言:
所获证书:    职称:中级


2000-2007 沈阳农业大学 植物保护 硕士2018-2020 吉林大学 工商管理 硕士


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